
I've Moved [IRL]

I wanted to share here that I'm still writing, well, blogging is more like it, and I've still got my radio station tuned to the most obscure airwaves.

a year ago

Latest Post IWTTYA: Junie and the Hut Friends by Dev Angus public

I instantly realize that a title like this seems like it would state that this website was shutting down, that I could be found elsewhere, or that my digital presence has changed. None of these things are true.

What I have done, though, is moved physically, in the real world. Currently as I write this, I'm well on the other side of the landmass I inhabit, and I have break baking in the oven while my Spouse [still working on a good name] sleeps.

I've finally settled enough to write about my thoughts of moving here, to the midwest. If you read my previous works, you know I like the weirdness of the world, the creepy, the unsettling, the possibly otherworldly of it all. I like to see the secrets and oddities of the world. Not in a ghost/paranornmal sense, though I do like to hear about that as well; you won't find me ghost or cryptid hunting. I really like the idea that there's some sort of world unseen, like with whatever happened in the lookout tower of my childhood, or whatever lead to the truly unsettling scenes in the woods surrounding my hometown.

To that end, when I finally made the move to leave where I grew up, I moved the easily the wierdest place in the US- the Pacific Northwest.

I lived there for seven years, made many memories and stories, and then....I left. And upon leaving, I have found myself....a little sad. Where I've moved now doesn't have the reputation for that odd stuff, and that dampens my spirit a bit, but it also means something new for me; and this is what counteracts the sadness- this sense of...wonder?

I'm not sure, but I wanted to share here that I'm still writing, well, blogging is more like it, and I've still got my radio station tuned to the most obscure airwaves.

More to come.

Dev Angus

Published a year ago