
I got tired of this being empty

I'm currently on day 3 of 6 without my ADHD meds and I got REAL FUCKING TIRED of having nothing in the blog section

3 years ago

Latest Post IWTTYA: Junie and the Hut Friends by Dev Angus public

Okay let's do this

I'm currently on day 3 of 6 without my ADHD meds and I got REAL FUCKING TIRED of having nothing in the blog section

There's really no way to have the perfect opening.

Anyway, it's real REAL late here, I'm sitting here after performing a command line update for Ghost and like.....this was brought on by incessant tweeting. So let's go with what's on my mind.

My dream is to like....find an abandoned radio in the woods late at night. It's still broadcasting, and within the static is like....weird stuff. I don't have a fully-formed fantasy here but I like the idea behind it.

I want to be the person that places that radio there. I want to post obscure shit on the internet that is locked behind a password you can only find taped to the cork-board of a laundromat in a small remote town of the PNW.

I want to create some sort of space that lives with that air of mystery in a modern era

You know the podcast Rabbits? I want that, sorta

Dev Angus

Published 3 years ago